Tuesday, 29 April 2014

“The poor lack status and power. In tackling poverty, the first thing to do is to create a climate of respect” 
Christchurch City Missioner, Michael Gorman 

NZCCSS Vulnerability Report

The 18th Vulnerability Report highlights the need for more investment to support those who are struggling at the margins of our communities into ‘meaningful’ employment, training and education, particularly our young Maori and Pasifika citizens. “Almost a third of young Māori and almost as many young Pasifika women are trapped in unemployment and are unable to access appropriate educational and training opportunities. This is storing up ongoing, intergenerational inequality and poverty for future generations of New Zealanders” says Trevor McGlinchey, Executive Officer, NZCCSS . The theme of the latest report is barriers to a fairer New Zealand and it was inspired by the 1993 Church Leaders statement calling for ‘greater social justice’ and a ‘fairer New Zealand’. Twenty one years on and there remains a deep concern about levels of poverty and social inequality in our communities. Read the report and NZCCSS media release

Egali-what? Getting a fair go in New Zealand

A new article by Max Rashbrooke explores what ‘egalitarianism’ means to young New Zealanders. Max talked with young people, academics and researchers and finds that whilst egalitarianism is no longer a buzz word for our younger generation, it would be a mistake to assume they understand any less about what equality and inequality means. http://thewireless.co.nz/themes/value/egali-what-getting-a-fair-go-in-new-zealand. This is a thoughtful piece and well worth a read.

More on Inequality Ministerial Committee on Poverty

Here’s another great Radio NZ piece on inequality this time featuring the Hon Tariana Turia and NZCCSS's own Trevor McGlinchey. Both contributors add real value to the inequality debate that is currently being played out across the country.

NZCCSS Older People Conference May 8-9 2014

Don’t forget NZCCSS’ Services for Older People Conference “The Next Stretch” is coming up in Dunedin (8-9 May). NZCCSS conferences offer a great opportunity for professional development as well as getting to know others working with older people in aged care and other social services. It’s not too late to register either online register or simply call our Dunedin conference organisers (03) 4771377 and they will help you get registration sorted over the phone. See you there!

Aged Care Workforce Survey

New Zealand Work Research Institute at AUT is undertaking an Aged Care Workforce Survey to identify workforce trends that will help to inform workforce planning for both providers and industry policy makers. For more information about the survey contact Dr Katherine Ravenwood, AUT University. Email: katherine.ravenwood.aut.ac.nz

Wanted Your Feedback on Full Audit Reports!

The government is looking for feedback on full audit reports and how useful it has been having these online.

National Māori Housing Conference

Here’s another must not miss conference - The third National Māori Housing Conference will be held in Whanganui from May 1-3 with a keynote address from the Hon. Tariana Turia, Associate Minister for Housing and Māori Party co-leader. “This year’s conference is well timed with the Māori housing strategy currently being developed by MBIE and Te Puni Kokiri. The conference will underscore the heightened profile of Māori housing issues and the fundamental impact that better approaches to housing can have on the wellbeing of our whānau, hapū and iwi,” says Te Matapihi chair Rau Hoskins. For further information please contact:
Rau Hoskins, Chair - Te Matapihi he tirohanga mō te iwi Trust,

A Way Forward for Transferring State Houses to Community Housing Groups

Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) and the Maori housing association Te Matapihi have prepared a proposal for how transfers of state houses to community housing groups could be managed in a way that works for everybody involved. The government wants one fifth of social housing to be run by the community housing sector and transferring state houses to community housing groups is one way to help build their capacity. There is no point in doing this if it does not result in additional social housing so it is really important that any transfer of stock works and has the effect of increasing the overall supply of housing for those on low-incomes. Read the media release and download the proposals from the Community Housing Aotearoa.

Resources :

Effective Parenting Programmes

The Families Commission has just released a report on effective parenting programmes to reduce the risk of maltreatment of vulnerable children.

What’s on

Sir Douglas Robb Lectures - The Human Cost of Inequality
A series of three lectures by Kate Pickett and Richard Wilkinson
19 May 2014 - 23 May 2014
Location: Fisher & Paykel Appliances Auditorium (260-115), Owen G Glenn Building, 12 Grafton Road,, Auckland
Cost: Free. All Welcome.
Full details are available here:

Collective Impact Conference 2014

This is a 2 day conference (12-13 June 2014) that will overview how Collective Impact works, provide examples and case studies from overseas, and current projects underway in New Zealand. To find out more about the conference and early bird discounts.

Inequality: Causes and Consequences
Date: Thursday 19 June
Venue: Victoria University of Wellington, Kelburn Campus, Student Memorial Lecture Theatre, (SUMT228)
Time: 8am- 4pm
· Tim Hazeldine, Prof of economics, Auckland University
· Brian Easton, Economist and independent scholar
· Simon Chapple, Senior Research Fellow, Dunedin School of Medicine
· Bill Rosenberg, Economist and Director of Policy, Council of Trade Unions
· Susan St John, Associate Professor of Economics, Auckland
· Geoff Bertram, Senior Research Advocate, Victoria University of Wellington

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